Prof. Selda Oterkus joined the department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering at University of Strathclyde in August 2015. She is currently a professor (Chair) and the co-director of PeriDynamics Research Centre (PDRC).
She received her PhD degree from the University of Arizona in mechanical engineering with minor degree in civil engineering and engineering mechanics.
Her research mainly focuses on multi-physics modelling of materials and structures including damage prediction due to various loading and environmental conditions. This includes fluid-structure interaction modelling, ships & offshore structures, offshore renewable energy, floating wind and solar energy devices, desalination & water treatment, ice-structure interactions, fire damage in composites, corrosion damage, and poroelasticity.
Prof. Oterkus is an associate editor of Frontiers in Materials (Frontiers) and academic editor of Shock and Vibration (Hindawi). She is a member of the editorial boards of Scientific Reports (Nature), Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling (Springer), Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (MDPI), and Sustainable Marine Structures (NASS). She is also currently the chair of ASME UK Section.
Peridynamic Modelling of Ice-Structure Interactions
Selda Oterkus
Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Despite of its advantages, utilization of the Arctic region for shipping brings new challenges due to its harsh environment. Therefore, ship structures must be designed to withstand ice loads in case of a collision between a ship and ice takes place. Although experimental studies can give invaluable information about ship-ice interactions, full scale tests are very costly to perform. Instead, computer simulations can be a good alternative. Ice-structure interaction modelling is a very challenging process. Ice material response depends on many different factors including applied-stress, strain-rate, temperature, grain-size, salinity, porosity, and confining pressure. Moreover, fracture behaviour can also change depending on the nature of ice-structure interaction. Peridynamics, as a new computational technique, can be a very good alternative for more modelling complex behaviour of ice. Peridynamics is a non-local continuum mechanics formulation which is very suitable for failure analysis of materials due its mathematical structure. Cracks can occur naturally in the formulation and there is no need to impose an external crack growth law. Furthermore, due to its non-local character, it can capture the phenomenon at multiple scales. Hence, in this presentation, peridynamic modelling of ice-structure interactions will be presented by demonstrating various illustration cases.